Drinking water from copper is beneficial for your overall skin and health. When water is infused in a copper bottle for at least overnight, copper ions leached in the water and purifies it. It can kill around 99% of the bacteria and microbes. Copper purifies water naturally.
You probably have heard about the negative effects of plastic bottles. They have dangerous chemicals (especially BPA) that can leach into the water and can even have carcinogenic effects at a certain degree of exposure.
However, copper bottles unlike plastic ones they have beneficial effects for your overall health and skin.
Copper bottles have been used for ages throughout history.
History of Copper vessels
– According to historians, copper is one of the first metals used by humans it is used for more than 11.000 years (around 9.000 BC). This era was known as the Copper Age (Chalcolithic Era). This is the era where it is known that copper replaced stones.
– Central Asian Turks, Romans, Somalia, Greeks, Indians, Ancient Egyptians, and Aztecs are also known to have used copper.
– According to Ayurvedic texts from ancient Indians, drinking water from copper vessels is beneficial for the body and that it cures the 3 doshas (Vata, Pitha and Kapha).
Tamra Jal (or Copperised Water) was the name given by Indians to the water stored in a copper vessel (for around 7 hours).
– In some western countries’ houses, they still have copper pipes and is believed to purify tap water to some degree.
The science behind it
Copper (Cu2+) is soluble in water, unlike iron.
The Oligodynamic effect: it’s the dissolution of metals occurring in small amounts.
When water is stored in a copper vessel (for around 6-8 hours), copper ions dissolve in the water but in low amounts. The water is then purified naturally (because copper ions have the ability to kill bacteria, fungi and microbes).
*You shouldn’t forget that drinking water from copper bottle is not a sufficient amount of copper. So you should take copper source from nutrients. However, it is not recommended to drink more than 3 cups of copper water a day.
Copper uses in the environment and technology:
– Copper is a good conductor of heat and electricity. Copper is environmentally friendly; it is easy to recycle it
– Copper is an ideal metal for making solar panels.
– Copper is used in nanotechnology; many IT companies use copper to make powerful chips.
– It is also used in handling hazardous nuclear waste.
– Copper is also approved by the EPA (the United States Environmental Protection Agency) for its use in hospitals such as; copper coated door knobs, sinks, toilet hardware, bedrails, faucets to stop and reduce contamination and the transfer of contagious disease.
Skin benefits of drinking water from copper
– Copper is known for its natural antioxidant benefits which fights off free radicals (which is one of the main causes to aging skin) that cause premature aging. Thus, copper helps preventing premature fine lines and wrinkles.
– Copper helps the formation of healthy new skin cells; it helps giving you a replenished smooth skin.
– Helps boosting melanin production: Copper is one of the main components in the production of melanin. (which give you your hair, skin and eye colour). So it also helps delaying grey hair. Plus, melanin also protects the skin from UV rays.
*So drinking copper water especially during summer is a great idea.
Health benefits of drinking water from copper
1. Helps preventing Anemia
Copper is an essential trace mineral that helps with the absorption of iron. As we know, iron deficiency causes anemia. So even if you take enough iron and not enough copper from nutrients (which is rare being copper deficient), you still may have iron deficiency.
2. Helps with the weight loss process
Copper is known to help with the weight loss process. Drinking water regularly from copper bottles might help your metabolism to digest and eliminate better. Copper helps the body to break down fat more efficiently.
However, be mindful, too much copper is toxic for human bodies.
3. Helps maintaining Heart health and cholesterol
Copper is known to; dilate the blood vessels and make it easier for the blood to flow to the heart, regulate one’s heart rate and blood pressure. It helps preventing hypertension and is also known to lower cholesterol levels.
4. Helps Digestion
According to Ancient Roman texts, Copper based medicine was prescribed to kill harmful bacteria within the stomach.
According to Ayurveda, Copperised Water (Tamra Jal) cleanses the stomach. Copper helps with stomach issues such as acidity, ulcers, infections, gas and indigestions. It helps detoxing the stomach and helps a better absorption of nutrients.
5. Helps treating Wounds
Beside its antimicrobial, anti-bacterial properties, copper can also help treat wounds and help with the production of new cells. Washing a wound with copper water helps the wound heal faster while cleansing the area naturally.
6. Improves Brain health
Copper helps the stimulation of brain and its functioning. Our brains interact with our bodies with electrical impulses, Copper helps facilitating the communication between cells by carrying impulses.
7. Protects your body from infections
Copper has natural antibacterial, antimicrobial benefits, when it comes in contact with harmful microbes it negates them. Copperised Water is especially effective against many bacteria (E.Coli, Cholera bacillus, S.aureus).
8. Improves Thyroid health
Thyroid is a gland in charge of the production of many hormonal functions. Drinking water from copper regularly can improve your hormonal imbalances and thyroids disfunctions.
!Too much copper can also lead to thyroid imbalances.
9. Helps preventing and treating Cancer
Copper helps fighting free radicals due to its natural antioxidant properties which is crucial for combatting this disease.
! Ask for a medical advice for more information.
10. Helps improving your bone health
Copper helps with your bone health, by strengthening bones. It also helps improving bone density especially in postmenopausal women.
11. Haemoglobin count
Lack of haemoglobin count in blood can cause anaemia (its symptoms are pale or yellowish skin, severe fatigue, cold hands and feet, brittle bones, irregular heartbeats…). Copper water helps the better absorption of iron, thus helps prevent from anaemia by improving the haemoglobin count.
12. Helps to balance acids in your system.
After you eat your food, when passed the stomach it becomes acidic, and it releases toxins in the body and makes the body heat up to some degree. After drinking water from copper bottle, the water becomes alkaline (after couple hours of storage in the vessel) and it helps to balance acids in your system, keeps your body temperature on the cooler side and detoxifies your body.
* You can opt to drink water from copper especially during summer times, it can help your body to detoxify and help to lower your body temperature.
13. Helps with melanin production
Copper helps to improve melanin production. Melanin protects your skin from harmful UV rays. It also prevents from early gray hair.
* Carry a bottle of water infused in copper bottle with you especially if you are exposed to UV rays.
Purifying Water
Copper has antibacterial, antimicrobial properties and anti-fungal properties. When water is stored in a copper vessel (for around 6-8 hours), copper ions dissolve in the water but in low amounts. The water is then purified naturally (because copper ions have the ability to kill bacteria, fungi and microbes).
According to this study, copper can kill bacteria, yeasts, and viruses very rapidly in contact with the metallic copper surface. (it’s called “contact killing”
According to this study, storing drinking-water in copper pots kills contaminating diarrhoeagenic Bacteria (one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality especially in children of developing countries).
According to this study named “Economical solution to remove microbes from harvested roof water”, after only few hours of explosion of water in copper vessels, it has been observed bacteria has been inhibited significantly. Thus, copper vessels can be used as a tool for purification of water.
According to the study from TransLinks, copper products can eliminate up to 99.9% of all bacteria within 1 hour of the bacteria’s contact with surface.
– Especially if you are in an area with contamined water, storing the water (for at least 6-8 hours up to 48 hours to ensure the antibacterial effects have been successful) in a copper vessel can kill these harmful bacteria and microbes.
** Drinking water from copper vessels has purifying effects on water. But it has to be stored in the vessel couple hours before use to ensure the process of natural “cleansing” has been successfully done.
Copper Toxicity:
Be careful:
– Long-term exposure (whether by drinking or eating) to copper can cause copper toxicity; stomach cramps, nausea, liver damage, kidney disease and diarrhea.
– Especially babies under 1 year old are not able to get rid of extra copper easily.
– Drinking water from a copper is pretty safe because the amount of copper leached in the water is below the WHO’s safety limit (however, the limit recommended is maximum 3 cups per day (710mL).
– Nevertheless, Copper toxicity from a copper vessel is mainly caused of using corroded copper vessel. It can happen because of storing foods or drinks that are acidic. Do not consume lemon or honey from the copper bottle (or anything acidic). It can cause acidic reaction and cause toxicity in your body. So do not store anything than water in your copper bottle.
– It is preferrable to take gaps after drinking water from copper bottles. Ex you drank water from it for 2 month, take a 1 month gap.
How to clean your copper bottle
Copper can easily get oxidized in contact with air, resulting in a tarnished colour. It can be easily removed with natural acidic solutions written below:
Rub one these mixtures to your copper vessel to clean it up:
– lemon juice + salt/baking soda
– Vinegar + salt/baking soda
– Tamarind + Salt/baking soda
You can allow the paste to sit on the vessel for couple hours. Then rinse your vessel with plain water. These mixtures wash off oxidation from your copper bottles.
how frequently you should wash your copper bottle?
Even if copper vessels are less prone to bacteria and microbes building up, it is better to wash it daily or before and after every use of it.
How much copper water a day is it ok to drink?
The recommended amount of drinking water from a copper bottle is between 1 to maximum 3 cups a day.
When should you drink copper in a day?
– It is preferrable to drink water from copper bottle in the morning (stored the night before) on an empty stomach, after brushing your teeth.
Can we store hot/cold water in the copper bottle?
Your copper bottle must be stored in a room temperature. Because too cold or too hot can result in a n adverse effect.
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